This is about challenging you to think bigger in your giving. It’s about developing a plan, a strategy, and a vision for your giving and discovering what God might have for you as you obey Him in making larger, sacrificial gifts aligned with passions He’s given you. How can you dream bigger for how God might use your generosity to impact His kingdom? The first session, on October 8, will cover examples of sacrificial giving, discuss the idea of gospel patrons, and identifying your passions for giving. The second session, on October 15, will discuss developing a strategy for a giving plan, and also cover various tax-efficient giving strategies. We will be referencing Gospel Patrons, which you are encouraged to purchase in advance of the class.
This class is limited to 16 participants, with priority given to GCCC members. Please fill out the short questionnaire below. The deadline to register is Monday, September 11. You will be notified regarding your participation in the class shortly thereafter.
Please listen to the sermon from August 20 (Arlington) or August 27 (Tysons) for background.