Our partners at Little Lights are continuing to support students who live in DC’s public housing communities by offering a holistic blend of academic support, college & career guidance, and wrap-around support. The Next Step College and Career Readiness program equips students with the tools and resources necessary to achieve their academic and professional goals, setting them on a path toward success in adulthood. As Little Lights enters its 30th year serving the local community, we at GCCC have an opportunity to support in a variety of ways.

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About the Little Lights College and Career Program

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Ways to Support the Little Lights College and Career Program


We are hoping during this advent season to raise at least $30,000 as a church to help support this ministry, on top of the additional support the church has already pledged to Little Lights.

You can give through our website by selecting “Little Lights Campaign” from the dropdown menu. 

Internships/Workforce Experience

As college students graduate/approach graduation, there is an emerging need to support students in career exploration, development, and employment. If you or your professional community can offer students support in this area, please fill out this interest form!

This can include presenting to students about your field/industry; any expertise in local workforce programs; the creation of a summer internship for a student; or connecting our students with internship/job openings in your network. The current cohort of college students have interest in fields including but not limited to: computer science, medicine, education, business, finance, art/design, etc.

Tutoring, College Prep, & Other Personalized Support

There are a variety of ways to directly support aspiring and current college students, including in-person academic tutoring and college application support (Common App, essay writing, college research, financial aid). There are additional virtual opportunities, including tutoring college students via Zoom. Volunteers are asked to commit to 2-4 hours of support a week, with at least a semester-long commitment. If you are interested, please fill out this form.

You can learn more about opportunities here. If you have questions or ideas, please contact collegeandcareer@littlelights.org.