Marshall High School
Worship Service
We meet in the auditorium of Marshall High School and would love for your family to join us.
Happening now at Tysons
GCCC Prayer Request Portal
Bible Reading Plan
As the new year presses on, we will continue to focus on “Loving His Word.” God’s Word is what brings life and sustains life. Psalm 1 tells us that the one who delights in this Word and meditates on it, “is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its […]
Our Tysons service meets at Marshall High School located at 7731 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA. Sunday service begins at 10:30 am and is held in the auditorium, please use Door 13 to enter the building.
Please stop by the welcome table and if you have children, you can check them in in the cafeteria.
What to Expect
We dress casually, so feel free to come as you are!
During our worship, we pray together, sing together, hear stories from people in the church community, speak Christian Scripture together, and hear a sermon based on that Scripture together. We have three goals in our worship:
- To encounter God’s Spirit
- To tell the story of God
- To be formed to think and love as God does
We invite you to participate from your heart, even if you’re new (or new again) to Jesus and the church, even if you’re not sure about some things about Jesus, even if you feel like there’s a right way to worship that you don’t know how to do. We invite you to sing with us, pray with us, and listen with us because God invites us all to these things.
Please feel free to use the main parking lot off Leesburg Pike or the lot on the right side of the school for additional parking and enter through the side doors. Please park near Doors 13 or 11 and look for the welcome banners.
The Tysons Corner metro is 1.5 miles away from Marshall High School and is not conducive to walking. If you need a ride, please contact for more information.
Bus 28A from the Tysons Corner Station & Bus Bay E leaves the terminal every 30 minutes and will drop individuals off at a stop in front of Marshall High School after a 7-minute ride.
Kids & Nursery
We hope the following helps your family plan for your first visit to GCCC. For specific questions, email Pastor Erika at
Child Check-In
When you arrive, head to the God’s Garden check-in table (look for the God’s Garden sign). When the service is over, we only release children when they have been checked out by a parent. If this is your first time at GCCC, we will ask for your family’s information so we can get to know your family better.
Where does my child go after check-in?
Once your child is checked in, we will direct you to their small group area with their teacher. First we gather together in a “Large Group” have fun worshiping Jesus, dancing, singing, exploring the Bible together, and building community.
After Large Group, we head to different tables in the cafeteria for Small Groups. In Small Groups, children have space to process the Biblical narrative together and explore age-appropriate ways to apply God’s Word. We understand children process what they learn through play so we build in time for crafts, games, and STEM.
All our God’s Garden Volunteers undergo background checks, reference screenings, and safety trainings to ensure your child is safe when you leave them with us. We do not allow anyone in our God’s Garden spaces who is not a fully trained and screened God’s Garden volunteer.
What if my child needs me during the Service?
If your child needs you during the service, we will text you and ask you to come to their location. To ensure your child’s safety we will ask you to come and change their diaper if needed during the service. When our nursery and toddler classes re-open, the nursery will have a changing area and the toddler class will have its own bathroom. Nursing moms are welcome to nurse in the main auditorium or in the nursery, whichever is easiest for your family.