The Watch is a time of in-person prayer, with song, that is focused on heart-to-heart connection with God together. Please join us, Sunday, March 10, in the afternoon at The DoubleTree’s Washington Ballroom.
Bake Sale Fundraiser
Bakers Needed – We are sending a team to support our partners serving in Teahouse in March and will have a bake sale to raise funds. But we need bakers to donate their goodies! If baking is your thing, please help us out and sign up below.
Women’s Retreat
Join us May 3rd-5th at Sandy Cove for our Women’s Retreat. Our theme will be “Invitation to go deeper.” Events will include main worship sessions, prayer, time for personal and group processing, fun activities and free time. We are looking forward to having time and space together to pursue Jesus and greater intimacy with Him. […]
Fruitful Parenting: Emotional Health
We believe a key element of successful parenting is emotional health. Join us on May 11 for a brunch where we will focus on how we can grow as emotionally healthy parents and hear stories from a few parents who have spent time processing this topic either personally or professionally. Brunch will be provided. Childcare […]
MLK Day Reading
On MLK Day this January 15th, please join the Race & Justice Ministry Team in honoring and reflecting on Martin Luther King Jr.’s life and death as a civil rights revolutionary. We will be hearing directly from Dr. King as he narrates his “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” a letter written in response to a […]
The Watch
The Watch is a time of in-person prayer, with song, that is focused on heart-to-heart connection with God together. Please join us, Sunday, Jan 7, at 2pm at the DoubleTree. We will use the same space we have for the Arlington service.
Carpenter’s Shelter
GCCC will be preparing and serving the evening meal for the homeless at Carpenter’s Shelter in Alexandria on Saturday evening, December 16. If you would like to volunteer, please sign up below. For more information, contact our Administrator.
Tysons View Apartments Outreach
The community that Tyson’s prayer-walked last week is home to 292 families, many of whom have subsidized housing and need other assistance to get by. We would love to provide these families with a Thanksgiving dinner by giving them a bag full of Thanksgiving staples, including canned veggies, boxed stuffing, and a gift card for […]
Casa Chirilagua Christmas Party
We’ve offered our help in setting up for Casa’s Christmas party; let’s help out our partners in Arlandria and the Chirilagua neighborhood! Kate Denson, who has led us on some walking tours of DC history in terms of justice issues and is the volunteer coordinator at Casa, will be joining us at Arlington. Sign up […]
Museum & Gelato Outing
For college and grad students. Meet at GUTS. On the afternoon of Saturday, October 28, join us as we explore one of DC’s amazing museums: Planet Word. We’ll get gelato afterwards! Planet Word describes themselves as “the place where language comes to life”. So if you love words or museums or just want to hangout […]