We are excited to retreat as our Arlington community at Sandy Cove in January! We are looking forward to a great time of bonding with each other, spending time with Jesus, worshipping, and hearing from Pastor Mia Chang. Our theme, Beyond Church Walls, speaks to us belonging to our communities, meeting people where they are at, and bringing Gospel impact to all aspects of life.

Rev. Dr. Mia Chang, Lead Pastor, founded NextGen Church in 2008.  Rev. Mia was ordained as a pastor by the American Baptist Churches of New Jersey upon completing her studies at Alliance Theological Seminary in New York.  She obtained her doctorate in ministry studies at Palmer Theological Seminary of Eastern University in PA.  Rev. Mia is a board member of American Baptist Home Mission Societies, the Ecclesia Network and Spring In the Desert Ministry. Rev. Mia is a founder of Africa River of Life, an NGO that supports education in underserved areas of Africa.

Registration closes Sun, Jan 5. If you have any questions, please email Pastor Chris.