
Bible Reading Plan

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As the new year presses on, we will continue to focus on “Loving His Word.” God’s Word is what brings life and sustains life. Psalm 1 tells us that the one who delights in this Word and meditates on it, “is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its […]


Exploring Baptism Class: Kids and Teens

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Is your child or teen exploring whether or not they are ready to get baptized? This class is for them! Join us for a fun, interactive afternoon where we will be exploring what baptism is and why we get baptized. This will be a prerequisite for any child or teen who is interested in getting […]


RILA Service Opportunity

RILA is a Christian-based organization that supports the most vulnerable immigrants with the least resources with pro bono immigration legal assistance. Join us on 4/8 as we provide a meal for those attending their legal clinic. Please sign up below by Apr 1st. Any questions please contact Pastor Chris.


Good Friday Service

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Join us on Good Friday, April 18, at 7pm, at the Westin in Crystal City. This service commemorates the Friday Jesus died, before his resurrection on Sunday. During this service, we focus hard on Jesus’ final night and the day of his death. We also spend significant time praying for others. Children who are in 3rd grade and up […]


Easter Sunday

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Join us on Easter Sunday as we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection through hearing from God’s Word, singing joyful songs, and hearing stories of Jesus’ goodness and power in people’s lives! Are you curious about Jesus or faith? This is the perfect day for you to come. We’ll also have plenty of refreshments after our service for […]


DYR (District Youth Retreat)

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We are excited for our youth to spend the weekend seeking God together at District Youth Retreat. This has been a transformational event in the lives of our youth. Please be praying for them as they set aside time to be with the Lord.


District Converge

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Our desire as a church is that all people would have access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. However, there are still many people groups who have yet to hear about Jesus. Reaching these least reached groups will require people to go and share the love of Jesus with them. Come join others from our […]


Child Dedication Class

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Child Dedication is an important step for every parent. It is an intentional opportunity to declare that your child belongs to Jesus and you want to give Him control of their life. If you are interested in dedicating your child on Sunday May 11th, please sign up for this Dedication class. It will be held […]


Baptism Sunday

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Baptism is a fundamental part of the Christian faith, the primary symbol and expression of our new life together in Christ. Since its beginnings, the church has baptized those who have become disciples of Christ, committed to him, his community, and his cause. GCCC is baptizing people on May 4 this year at our Tysons […]


RILA Service Opportunity

RILA is a Christian-based organization that supports the most vulnerable immigrants with the least resources with pro bono immigration legal assistance. Join us on 5/13 as we provide a meal for those attending their legal clinic. Please sign up below by May 6th. Any questions please contact Pastor Chris.

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